Health food 7

Sales channels for health foods are drastically changing over the last decade or so. In particular, online shopping is growing most rapidly. Companies focus their efforts on the internet-based sales, making it main-stream. Users can freely enjoy the convenience of online shopping while they are at home.

However, problems are arising. Online shopping tends to cut prices to draw consumers’ attention. As a result, vendors tend to sell products focusing on the low price rather than the content.

Cheap-yet-good products may be the basics for any trade. However, general consumers cannot tell which ones are superior.

The advantage of the health food business is that it is likely to attract repeat customers, which will establish a solid customer base. It would be preposterous to have no repeat customers because of poor quality as a result of price-cutting approaches.

Catalog mail‐order sale is sluggish lately. Due to the constraints of Pharmaceutical Affairs Law and the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations, information about products is getting more difficult for consumers to understand. These laws do not seem to be helping consumers after all.

Multiple level marketing (MLM) or so-called pyramid scheme was once popular. However, the revision of the Commercial Code made it difficult to practice pyramid schemes. This sales channel is appealing because huge successes could be made if you got it right. But, needless to say, suppliers and distributors (sales reps) must have appropriate morals.

Hypnotic sales have frequently caused problems, and are now subsiding.

Store retailing at pharmacies and department stores, which may be most familiar to you, is devastated.

I would like each one of you to thoroughly search for the right product. You can talk to me when you are not sure.